

Along with theoretical knowledge, a sound practical knowledge is essential and it calls for well developed laboratories and practical courses. The department has all the basic, and many advanced laboratories with modern equipment and machinery to enable it to remain in the forefront of technology. The following laboratories are there in the department:

  • Concrete Technology
  • Material Testing
  • Geo-technical & Transportation Engineering
  • Surveying
  • Public Health Engineering
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Computational
  • Model

The labs are well equipped with modern and latest equipment like NDT Equipments (UPV, Rebar Locator, Digital Hammer, Corrossion Analyser and Core Cutter) in Concrete lab, Bitumen Extractor, Bitumen Mix Design equipments in Transportation lab, Computerised U.T.M. (100 tons) in Material Testing lab, Total Station, Optical Theodolite, Automatic level, Digital planimeter in Survey lab. The Computational lab has a number of latest computers and software like Auto-cad, SAP, ETAB, STAAD Pro V8i etc. with free access to all the students and faculty for their teaching and research needs. There are two well furnished drawing halls of 120 students capacity. The practical courses are so designed such that the students not only get to work on actual machines, get familiar with the machines and systems to grasp the theoretical concepts and enable them to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to other practical situations also.

Name of the Laboratory Plinth Area (Sq.m.) Major Facilities
Concrete Technology 210 Pan mixture, UPV, Rebar Locator, Digital Hammer, Corrossion Analyser and Core Cutter,  Digital Compression Testing Machine(200 ton), Concrete Permeability Apparatus, Los Angles Abrasion Machine, Data Aquision System for Strain Measurement.
Material Testing 180 Computerised U.T.M. (100 tons) , U.T.M. (20 tons), Compressive Testing Machine, Torsion Testing Machine, Hardness Testing Machine, Photo Elastic Bench etc.
Geo-technology & Transportation 220 Tri-axial Shear test apparatus, Three gang consolidometer, CRB test, Bitumen Extractor, Ductility Measuring Equipment etc.
Surveying 180 Total Station , Optical Theodolite , Autometic level, Digital planimeter etc.
Public Health Engineering 250 Establishment of lab is in progress.
Engineering Mechanics 130 Various test set-ups for better understanding of principles of mechanics.
Computational 060 25 no. core 2 duo processor High-end computers, Heavy duty laser printer, scanner Software- Auto-cad, SAP, ETAB, STAAD Pro V8i
Model lab 100 Models of various types of structures.
Drawing Halls (Two) 120 120 students capacity
Seminar Hall 80  80 Students Capacity
Hydraulic Engineering 800 Well equipped lab at Mechanical Engineering department
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The college library has a large books of all engineering field. The college also maintains a book bank, where books are issued to the students for a semester. The Department also have a library where number of relevant Books & Journals are available.

Books: 4500 of Civil Engineering (in College library) 450 (in dept. library)

Journals: 04 of Civil Engineering (in College library)


List of journals related to Civil Engineering


  • 1. Civil Engineering & Construction Review
  • 2. Journal of Institutions of Engineers - Civil Engineering Division
  • 3. Invention Intelligence
  • 4. Science Reporter


  • 1. On line DELNET Journals
  • 2. On line CeRA Journals