Training & Placement

Information and Placement Bureau

There is a career guidance in the college besides one exists in the university, which provides information and placement for occupational and educational information, offers counseling in vocational, educational and personal matters to the students through regular notices. The information regarding admission, job and scholarship collected by the bureau is regularly displayed in the bureau office. The bureau arranges application forms and registration forms to the job seekers. The bureau also conducts extension lectures, psychological tests for vocational and personal guidance.


The students have to undergo practical/field training in the summer break of II & III year of their studies. The training is arranged and monitored by the in-charges of respective disciplines. However in Agricultural Engineering discipline in addition to this practical training, the experiential learning is intended to build practical skills and entrepreneurship among the graduates with aim to deal with work situations and for better employability and self employment. It will involve setting up of model plans for food processing and value addition for product diversification, setting up of workshops for manufacturing, operation and maintenance of farm machinery and equipment, maintenance and custom hiring of farm machinery and equipment.